For the first time since I started this blog almost three years ago I couldn't easily come up with the theme. Usually I am waiting for some idea, let say, when Victor sends a drawing that reminds me about another drawing, and another, and together they make a coherent post. And usually it doesn't take long to wait for inspiration.
Lately, though, Victor almost doesn't send anything. Why? There are more important issues on his mind now: how to survive. How to survive economically: because of political instability in Ukraine, his publishing company goes through difficult time. How to survive physically: after the last cycle of radiotherapy, there was a short period when we thought it was the happy end. But then his knee started hurting again; the latest diagnostics showed relapse and the urgent need for more treatment. My recent attempts to collect more money for his radiotherapy were unsuccessful. Ironically, a few people who generously sent money this time, were the repeating donors, my former students.
So with the worst mood ever, I just knew I needed to post something. So without tying them together, I am just posting Victor's last several drawings - or rather the last four I received from him. Well, this will be the connecting idea: they have all been made within the last month.
The first drawing is clearly about Prometheus. I received it today and got really scared and upset. It seems very personal to me, especially at this difficult time in Victor's life... I hope other people will also be able to feel this pain and respond...
"Waiting for Pain"
"Ожидание Боли"
Maybe I see in his works what is not really there. But having known Victor for 33 years I read behind lines - sometimes, at least. The following drawing, as I see it, is about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict that already claimed dozens of lives.
After these two tragic themes, it's nice to have the next two drawings.
"Mother and Daughter"
"Мать и Дочь"
"The Forest Song"
"Лесная Песня"
I gave Victor hope, and I feel responsible. He is my friend and a talented artist. But I cannot afford this myself. So I revived my fundraiser. Either you are a faithful reader of my blog, or you ended up here just once, by mistake - please contribute whatever you can. Also, please spread this information.
As a sign of gratitude, Victor and I would like to send you a print of his drawing - see
As a sign of gratitude, Victor and I would like to send you a print of his drawing - see and
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