Welcome to my blog!

If this is the first time you are viewing it, I strongly recommend to start from "About Us," and then go to the very beginning (August 2011, Post 1). Otherwise, you may still enjoy the drawings, but the whole idea won't make much sense (I truly hope it does make sense if you read it in the proper order).

Sunday, April 27, 2014

81. Exploring Cubism

Usually when I select material for the next post, I just browse a folder of Victor's drawings (or photographs), usually starting from the most recent and going back in time, until some repeating idea, element, or theme clicks in my head. This time, among recent drawings I noticed several made in cubist, or semi-cubist style. I am not sure Victor himself would agree with me, but this is how I see them. So this will be the thread for today's post. 

I didn't find many of them. Assuming I have a more or less representative sample of Victor's work (sorry for technical terms; I guess I am teaching too much Statistics), drawings in this style may only make 1% of it. Or maybe he doesn't send many of these to me, knowing my artistic tastes. 

Here they are, in reverse chronological order. Considering their nature, the titles are really useful... 


"The Stone Heart"

"Madonna at Dusk"

"Circus Shapito"



That's about it... 

Last summer, Victor was diagnosed with sarcoma of the soft tissue of his right knee. There is no such thing as medical insurance in Ukraine, and the amount of money he needed would be incomprehensible for most Ukrainian residents. So in the Fall, I started a fund-raiser, and a miracle happened: thanks to many of my friends, relatives, colleagues and former students, I was able to raise $12,500 for his treatment. And the growth of his tumor has stopped!!! But he still needed $4,500 more for another series of radiotherapy. I didn't feel I could raise more money at that point, so I just sent this amount to him, and for a couple of months it seemed that it was a happy end.  

But a few days ago I learned that his knee started hurting again, and a preliminary analysis showed a local relapse. Just for the additional diagnostics (positron-emission tomography) he needs almost $2000. And I am even afraid to think about the cost of the treatment that will be necessary. 

I gave him hope, I and feel responsible. He is my friend and a talented artist. But I cannot afford this myself, I need help. So I am reviving my fundraiser. Either you are a faithful reader of my blog, or you ended up here just once, by mistake - please contribute whatever you can. Also, please spread this information.

As a sign of gratitude, Victor and I would like to send you a print of his drawing - see 

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