Welcome to my blog!

If this is the first time you are viewing it, I strongly recommend to start from "About Us," and then go to the very beginning (August 2011, Post 1). Otherwise, you may still enjoy the drawings, but the whole idea won't make much sense (I truly hope it does make sense if you read it in the proper order).

Sunday, June 15, 2014

83. Father's Day, Mother's Day

There is no Father's Day in Ukraine (and there is no Mother's Day either). I'd like to devote this post to Victor himself, who brings up his daughter alone since she was six (and now she is 23!).

I thought it would make sense to make a post today that would fit this occasion. But I couldn't really find many dads' drawings among Victor's  work. So then I decided to select some of his drawings about parents in general - it will be a post retroactively devoted to the Mother's Day as well.

This one is my favorite. It's a very old drawing. I remember it from the 1990's. But I like how Victor brings new life into his work: when a few years ago I proudly sent him a photo of my 22 year old son, he sent me this drawing, entitling in "The Pride of My Son." 

 "The Pride of My Son"
"Гордость Моим Сыном"



"A Mother and a Daughter" 
"Мать и Дочь"

Victor, the artist, needs your help! If you've been here already, you know about my fundraiser. If not - please read at 

Last Fall, I was able to collect and to send him $12,500 for cancer treatment, but he needs more. 

He is my friend and a talented artist. But I cannot afford this myself. Please contribute whatever you can. Also, please spread this information.

As a sign of gratitude, Victor and I would like to send you a print of his drawing - see 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

82. What's on his mind?

For the first time since I started this blog almost three years ago I couldn't easily come up with the theme. Usually I am waiting for some idea, let say, when Victor sends a drawing that reminds me about another drawing, and another, and together they make a coherent post. And usually it doesn't take long to wait for inspiration. 

Lately, though, Victor almost doesn't send anything. Why? There are more important issues on his mind now: how to survive. How to survive economically: because of political instability in Ukraine, his publishing company goes through difficult time. How to survive physically: after the last cycle of radiotherapy, there was a short period when we thought it was the happy end. But then his knee started hurting again; the latest diagnostics showed relapse and the urgent need for more treatment. My recent attempts to collect more money for his radiotherapy were unsuccessful. Ironically, a few people who generously sent money this time, were the repeating donors, my former students. 

So with the worst mood ever, I just knew I needed to post something. So without tying them together, I am just posting Victor's last several drawings - or rather the last four I received from him. Well, this will be the connecting idea: they have all been made within the last month. 

The first drawing is clearly about Prometheus. I received it today and got really scared and upset. It seems very personal to me, especially at this difficult time in Victor's life... I hope other people will also be able to feel this pain and respond...

"Waiting for Pain"
"Ожидание Боли"

Maybe I see in his works what is not really there. But having known Victor for 33 years I read behind lines - sometimes, at least. The following drawing, as I see it, is about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict that already claimed dozens of lives. 


After these two tragic themes, it's nice to have the next two drawings. 

"Mother and Daughter"
"Мать и Дочь"

"The Forest Song"
"Лесная Песня"


I gave Victor hope, and I feel responsible. He is my friend and a talented artist. But I cannot afford this myself. So I revived my fundraiser. Either you are a faithful reader of my blog, or you ended up here just once, by mistake - please contribute whatever you can. Also, please spread this information.


As a sign of gratitude, Victor and I would like to send you a print of his drawing - see