Welcome to my blog!

If this is the first time you are viewing it, I strongly recommend to start from "About Us," and then go to the very beginning (August 2011, Post 1). Otherwise, you may still enjoy the drawings, but the whole idea won't make much sense (I truly hope it does make sense if you read it in the proper order).

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

53. Portraits - 2: Pushkin

I almost forgot that awhile ago I posted the first portion of "Portraits" and had a definite intention to
continue... So this is about time. On random days Victor sent me a few of his drawings of  Aleksandr Pushkin. He said he had many more, and I patiently waited, but finally gave up and decided to publish just these three.


"Sasha and Natasha"

Thursday, December 20, 2012

52. He and She.

The drawings that I selected for this post are all made within the last month and sent to me within the last week. This is pretty much the only thing that unifies them. The other - their original titles do not sound right when translated from Russian, so I won't. Well, of course, all of them are about love, but this is too wide to be considered a common theme.

"Жду Тебя"

"Без названия"

"Проволочное Сердце"

"Линии Одиночества"

Saturday, December 1, 2012

51. His Brain, Her Brain.

My daughter just showed me the blog she started with her boyfriend (Http://hisbrainherbrain.blogspot.com). They decided to "document" their different reactions to certain things. As I was reading it, I recalled that this summer Victor did his little artistic investigation of the same topic. I don't remember the exact conversation that caused it. In July I was working in Princeton and lived and traveled for a month in the beautiful surroundings near Delaware River. I had plenty of new experiences and tried to describe all of them to poor Victor who was stuck in dusty and sweaty Kharkov. I was surprised (if not offended) that he wasn't always willing to listen to all my stories in all details.  Here are some of his thoughts.


"The Two"

After these, I guess, Victor decided to investigate the relationships between "Him" and "Her" a little further.


"Study of Love"