Welcome to my blog!

If this is the first time you are viewing it, I strongly recommend to start from "About Us," and then go to the very beginning (August 2011, Post 1). Otherwise, you may still enjoy the drawings, but the whole idea won't make much sense (I truly hope it does make sense if you read it in the proper order).

Sunday, July 15, 2012

42. Through Eras and Continents: Ancient Times

For this post, or rather a series of posts (I am planning 2 - does it make it a series?), it may be helpful to provide some background information about the artist.

Victor's first degree was in Geology, since from his early age he was dreaming about traveling the world, exploring new places and digging something out. His favorite books, at least in his youth, as I remember it, were the diaries of Roald Amundsen and Thor Heyerdahl, and his favorite magazine for many years has been "Around the World." Being born in the USSR doesn't exactly help implementing your dreams, especially if they involve freedom to travel (including financial freedom). So for a big part, Victor had to satisfy this passion through his art.

I selected several of his old drawings about different worlds - both in terms of times and places. It makes sense to organize them in chronological order (although I don't guarantee scientific precision...).


The following drawing should, probably, be the last one in the series, but it fits much better right here. Besides, I originally saw these two at the same time, so they seem inseparable to me.


I am not sure why the next drawing falls into this topic at all, and what era and what continent it is about. All I can tell it is not about "here and now."

"The Dream of a Roman Legionary"
"Сон Легионера"

Below is Victor's take on a Bible's story about Salome, a daughter of Herod Antipas, who requested the head of John the Baptist as an award for her beautiful dance. I am not sure that is how it all happened in the 1st century... Actually, I was also planning to make a post on gastronomical topic and thought that this might be one of the entries, but than decided against it.


 To be continued..

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