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If this is the first time you are viewing it, I strongly recommend to start from "About Us," and then go to the very beginning (August 2011, Post 1). Otherwise, you may still enjoy the drawings, but the whole idea won't make much sense (I truly hope it does make sense if you read it in the proper order).

Saturday, September 17, 2011

9. Trying to Get Inside the Artist's Mind

Sometimes, looking at Victor's work, I asked him two types of questions. Both of them are traditional questions that many viewers and critics of art are asking: "What did he mean when he created this?" and "Why on Earth did he think of making this? What inspired/triggered this drawing?" I am quoting his answer (well, translating, really): "It is not me who made up these drawings, it's someone else who sits inside me, so I am not responsible for their content or form or anything else." So I stopped asking...

A huge majority of his drawings that I've seen and that I am showing here he just sent to me for a certain occasion, but they had been created a long time ago, so it's impossible to track how they appeared. But in very few cases I witnessed this "sacred" moment.

Victor was reading (or, rather, rereading for the n-th time) "The Doomed City" by the Strugatsky Brothers, and on a page describing the main character he caught these two words: "a star astronomer." This didn't even matter much for the rest of the book. Suddenly, he put the book aside and started drawing this:

"The Star Astronomer"

Here is another example. As I mentioned on the first page, my favorite drawing "Constellation of Cow" was created in Crimea, Ukraine - somehow the beautiful August sky "met" in his imagination with impressions of Somali cave paintings that he had seen in a magazine a long time ago. Here it is again - why not?

"Constellation of Cow."
"Созвездие Коровы"

Once Victor sent the following three drawings. I didn't physically "witness" how the these three came to life, since we were 5,000 miles apart, but at least I know that he produced them one after another the day before. There was no book or conversation to provoke them. Why fish? I am afraid, I'll never know...

"A Fish Wedding"
"Рыбья свадьба"

"Saving a Fish" ("Salvation" would be a more accurate translation)
"Спасение Рыбы"


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