Welcome to my blog!

If this is the first time you are viewing it, I strongly recommend to start from "About Us," and then go to the very beginning (August 2011, Post 1). Otherwise, you may still enjoy the drawings, but the whole idea won't make much sense (I truly hope it does make sense if you read it in the proper order).

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

75. Merry Christmas!

Recently Victor was diagnosed with sarcoma of the soft tissue of his knee. Until this shocking diagnosis he had thought for several years that it was arthritis. Now his cancer is in stage 3...
So far his treatment included several chemotherapy sessions and the surgery, but now he needs  at least $11,000 to start radiotherapy, ASAP. For majority of Ukrainian people these amounts of money are simply incomprehensible, and there is no such thing as medical insurance. I already collected $7,000, but we are running out of time.
Either  you are a faithful reader of my blog, or you ended up here just once, by mistake - please contribute whatever you can. Victor really doesn't believe that it is possible to raise such an amount, but I believe that together we can make a difference. As a sign of gratitude, Victor and I would like to offer you a unique opportunity (that I have been enjoying for free for many years!): tell the artist what's on your mind - any word, theme, even abstract concept, - and he most definitely has a drawing on this topic which he will send to you.
Please, go to the link below and donate!!! And please share this information with anyone who can also help.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

74. Join the Game and Help the Artist!

For the last few years Victor and I played a "game;" I told about it in my earlier blog entries. It started when we were talking on Skype about something, and he said that he had a drawing about it. Then next day it happened again, so I said, half-jokingly: "You probably have a drawing on any topic." He took it as a challenge, and since then almost every day I would give him a word, a theme, an idea almost, and he would send me an illustration. He also said that if he didn't have a drawing on a particular topic, he would draw one, but so far this has happened only a few times.
Now, when I've been trying to use Victor's art to encourage people to donate money for his cancer treatment, I am inviting everyone "play" with us. This is what my generous donors have ordered in the last few days:
My colleague's request was: "A Nest." A strange request, isn't it? But it worked for me: I didn't even have to ask Victor about this, I have two nests among my couple hundreds of his drawings:
"Помощь в Гнездовании"

Then a former student gave me a challenging, but interesting task: "Infinity." I had to ask Victor about it, and he sent this to me. What could be a better match?

And another former student requested "Digital Natives," which is the name of his Internet company. Of course, I had to translate it to Russian, and surprisingly, Victor found this illustration as well among his 4,000 + drawings.
"Цифровое Поколение"
Join our game and help the artist!
Recently Victor was diagnosed with sarcoma of the soft tissue of his knee. Until this shocking diagnosis he had thought for several years that it was arthritis. Now his cancer is in stage 3...
So far his treatment included several chemotherapy sessions and the surgery, but now he needs  at least $11,000 to start radiotherapy, ASAP. For majority of Ukrainian people these amounts of money are simply incomprehensible, and there is no such thing as medical insurance. I already collected $6,000, but we are running out of time.
Either  you are a faithful reader of my blog, or you ended up here just once, by mistake - please contribute whatever you can. Victor really doesn't believe that it is possible to raise such an amount, but I believe that together we can make a difference. As a sign of gratitude, Victor and I would like to offer you a unique opportunity (that I have been enjoying for free for many years!): tell the artist what's on your mind - any word, theme, even abstract concept, - and he most definitely has a drawing on this topic which he will send to you.
Please, go to the link below and donate!!! And please share this information with anyone who can also help.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

73. Recent Drawings

Usually - for more than two years I have been doing this blog - I make my posts by selecting Victor's drawings on a certain topic (Dreams of Flight, Old Testament, Monsters, Fish, How to Draw Emotions etc.), or demonstrating a certain feature (A Few Simple Lines) or genres (Portraits, Still Life). But in this post I just want to show several of his most recent drawings. I have never understood how and why he decides to draw something in particular at a certain moment. In fact, he'd said he didn't understand it either. But at this really difficult period of his life, when he is fighting cancer, it's even more mind-boggling: what images and ideas visit his brain? what does he want to tell? By the way, Victor never draws to tell something to anyone but himself. This much I know...
But before you enjoy his drawings, please read this:
Recently Victor was diagnosed with sarcoma of the soft tissue of his knee. Until this shocking diagnosis he had thought for several years that it was arthritis. Now his cancer is in stage 3...
So far his treatment included several chemotherapy sessions and the surgery, but now he needs  at least $11,000 to start radiotherapy, ASAP. For majority of Ukrainian people these amounts of money are simply incomprehensible, and there is no such thing as medical insurance.
Either  you are a faithful reader of my blog, or you ended up here just once, by mistake - please contribute whatever you can. Victor really doesn't believe that it is possible to raise such an amount, but I believe that together we can make a difference. As a sign of gratitude, Victor and I would like to offer you a unique opportunity (that I have been enjoying for free for many years!): tell the artist what's on your mind - any word, theme, even abstract concept, - and he most definitely has a drawing on this topic which he will send to you.
Please, go to the link below and donate!!! Also, please share this information with anyone who can also help.
"All Flights are cancelled..."
"Нелетная Погода" 

"The Red Flower"
 "Красный Цветок"
"The Unbearable Lightness of Being"
"Невыносимая Легкость Бытия"

"Listening to the music by Valery Dedula"
"В изгнании молчит о тайне"

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

72. The Fall - Part 2.

When Victor drew his wounded eagle several years ago, who could have thought that one day I will use it to introduce my campaign to raise money for his treatment??? And when I started this blog more than two years ago, could I have thought that I would be using it as a venue to ask for help?

This summer a tumor was found in soft tissue of his right knee, and in October he was diagnosed with sarcoma. Until this shocking diagnosis he had thought for several years that it was arthritis. Now his cancer is in stage 3...
So far his treatment included several chemotherapy sessions and the surgery, but now he needs  at least $11,000 to start radiotherapy, ASAP. For majority of Ukrainian people these amounts of money are simply incomprehensible, and there is no such thing as medical insurance.
Either  you are a faithful reader of my blog, or you ended up here just once, by mistake - please contribute whatever you can. Victor really doesn't believe that it is possible to raise such an amount, but I believe that together we can make a difference. As a sign of gratitude, I would be happy to send you a quality print of any of Victor's drawings of your choice - please provide your mailing address.
Please, go to the link below and donate!!! Also, please share this information with anyone who can also help.
I continue with the seasonal selection. This Fall, obviously not in the best of his mood, Victor took these amazing photos that made me wonder: are the paddles of water and the leaves near his place in Ukraine are really much more beautiful than the ones I pass by every day?


Monday, November 18, 2013

71. The Fall...

When Victor drew his wounded eagle several years ago, who could have thought that one day I will use it to introduce my campaign to raise money for his treatment??? And when I started this blog more than two years ago, could I have thought that I would be using it as a venue to ask for help?
This summer a tumor was found in soft tissue of his right knee, and in October he was diagnosed with sarcoma. Until this shocking diagnosis he had thought for several years that it was arthritis. Now his cancer is in stage 3...
So far his treatment included several chemotherapy sessions and the surgery, but now he needs  at least $11,000 to start radiotherapy, ASAP. For majority of Ukrainian people these amounts of money are simply incomprehensible, and there is no such thing as medical insurance.
Either  you are a faithful reader of my blog, or you ended up here just once, by mistake - please contribute whatever you can. Victor really doesn't believe that it is possible to raise such an amount, but I believe that together we can make a difference. As a sign of gratitude, I would be happy to send you a quality print of any of Victor's drawings of your choice - please provide your mailing address.
Please, go to the link below and donate!!! Also, please share this information with anyone who can also help.
My selection for this post is purely seasonal. I picked my favorite Victor's drawings about Fall, some of them might have been posted here before, but it was a year or two back...
"Coloring the Fall"
"Раскрашивание Осени"
"She is from the Autumn, He is from the Sea"
"Она из Осени, Он из Моря"


"Прекрасный Принц"
"Prince Charming"
"The Study of Apples"

"The Last Day of the Fall"
"Последний День Осени"


Friday, November 1, 2013

70. My Friend, The Artist Needs YOUR HELP!!!!!!!!!

When Victor drew his wounded eagle several years ago, who could have thought that one day I will use it to introduce my campaign to raise money for his treatment??? And when I started this blog more than two years ago, could I have thought that I would be using it as a venue to ask for help?
This summer a tumor was found in soft tissue of his right knee, and in October he was diagnosed with sarcoma. Until this shocking diagnosis he had thought for several years that it was arthritis. Now his cancer is in stage 3...
So far his treatment included several chemotherapy sessions, but now he needs to start radiotherapy. He has already borrowed about $19,000, but needs at least $11,000 more for immediate treatment, and no one can tell what will be needed after this. For majority of Ukrainian people these amounts of money are simply incomprehensible.
Either  you are a faithful reader of my blog, or you ended up here just once, by mistake - please contribute whatever you can. Victor really doesn't believe that it is possible to raise such an amount, but I believe that together we can make a difference. As a sign of gratitude, I would be happy to send you a quality print of any of Victor's drawings of your choice - please provide your mailing address.
Please, go to the link below and donate!!! Also, please share this information with anyone who can also help.
And these are a couple of his very recent drawings... - no comments needed.


Friday, October 11, 2013

69. Still Life

With some surprise I found out, that there is one genre of Victor's art that I haven't explored yet: still life. It is not very common, but looking through all of his drawings that I have, I found quite a few - enough for two posts, perhaps. They don't require any comments - except the last one, probably, but I can't really say much about it, except that it may not even qualify as "still life" - after all, it's a portrait!



Wednesday, September 11, 2013

68. Встречи и Расставания.

I entitled this post in Russian, because that way it sounds much better, more romantic and poetic. In English it would be something like "Meetings and Partings." Not good. But I hope that the drawings I selected will compensate for the lack of romanticism and poeticism in the title...

Victor sent these four drawings to me at different times. I don't know if they were supposed to be connected in any way. Yes, here we have a few centaurs and a couple of mermaids, but he varies the characters: who they are, how they look, his style of drawing them. But I don't think it's important. To me, either Victor meant it as a cycle or not, they all show a cycle of relationships between Him and Her.

I am also not sure about the most meaningful order. But there is no one standard cycle of relationships. So everyone can place them in whatever order makes sense to them. Four drawings can be placed in various orders in 4! = 24 ways (sorry, but I AM a math teacher...).




Tuesday, August 27, 2013

67. The Old Testament

The selection for the current post was inspired but this recent drawing. After Victor sent "Adam and Eve" to me, I recalled another "Eve" from awhile ago. 

Then I started thinking: two are not enough for a post. What would I combined them with? When I mentioned this to Victor, he said he has about 20 works on the same topic. No, I said, this is too obvious. I'll think of something else based on his drawings I already have. Then came to mind some more drawings based on the Bible characters, and here they are. I'll try to keep it chronological.



"Prophet Elijah"

The next one, as I realized now, is actually about a story from the new Testament, since the head is supposed to be of John The Baptist. Oh well, I don't think I am going to continue this theme, so let it stay here.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

66. The Dreams of Flight

This post celebrates the two-year anniversary of this blog!!! 

Just yesterday Victor sent me a series of his most recent drawings, including this one, "The Iron Icarus."

"The Iron Icarus"
 "Железный Икар"

As it often happens to me, this image reminded me about few more that I have had in my "collection" of Victor's drawings for awhile. Well, they may not necessary depict Icarus himself, but they can easily be organized in "chronological" order, showing kind of a biography of Icarus. Or of anyone who wants to fly!

I am keeping here Victor's original titles (well, this is not completely true, he usually doesn't give titles as he draws, only when he sends them to me), which somewhat contradicts to my "biography" idea. But this is my blog, and I still see them connected.

"The dreams of Flight."
"Мечты о Полете"


"The Fallen Angel."
"Павший Ангел"

This last drawing doesn't have a title. And it doesn't really fit my "life cycle" idea, neither about Icarus, nor about dreams of flight. But I still think it belongs to this post.

And although it looks kind of tragic, but this guy - a man? an angel - has pretty big and sturdy wings, so I am sure that everything will be fine!

Friday, August 9, 2013

65. Portraits - 3

Back in the Fall, I made two posts where I presented some of Victor's portraits. Since then, he sent me some more that I'd like to share. Well, I would not claim actual likeness (and neither would he, I am sure), but they are definitely recognizable, except the last one, whose identity I can only guess, so I am not stating it here. Besides some factual clues, each of these portraits carries unmistakable emotional characteristics, which are more important than physical likeness. I wish I knew why suddenly he decides to draw this or that personality, zigzagging between times and places. But as usually, he would never explain.
"Joan D'Arc"

"Paul Cezanne"

"Prophet Elijah"
"Пророк Илия"

"Andrei Rublev"
