Welcome to my blog!

If this is the first time you are viewing it, I strongly recommend to start from "About Us," and then go to the very beginning (August 2011, Post 1). Otherwise, you may still enjoy the drawings, but the whole idea won't make much sense (I truly hope it does make sense if you read it in the proper order).

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

48. Women and Vases

For the title of this post, I've had difficult time translating a very simple word from Russian: "кувшин" ("koovshin"). The closest translations are a  "pitcher" and a "jar," but when I wanted to choose the one that is more appropriate for this post and googled "images" for each, for the most part I saw baseball pitchers and those standard containers used to preserve food. What I was looking for is beauty and elegance, because that's what the post is about. So I chose "vases", although it is definitely not what Victor meant when he named his drawings  "A woman and  a ... (jar???)."

Just this week Victor drew two of them with the same title. Why? We talked about ceramics again, how I wish I would continue doing it. Clearly, even though it has been awhile since I took my ceramics course, the topic is not exhausted. So these are the two new drawings:

After receiving the two of them, I remembered I'd seen similar ones before. For example, when I just started taking ceramics, Victor sent me this one. I've already published it in one of my ceramics-related posts, and even explained its title (see post 23).

"A Goddess Firing Pots"
"Богиня Обжигающая Горшки"

After seeing all these women with all these jars/pitchers/vases, I asked: Why so many? Victor responded that he loves to draw women with vases, because, number one, their shapes  are very similar, and number two, both are sexy. And then I remembered one more that he drew about a year ago, this one was actually called "A Vase." I guess, he is right in his comparison.

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