Welcome to my blog!

If this is the first time you are viewing it, I strongly recommend to start from "About Us," and then go to the very beginning (August 2011, Post 1). Otherwise, you may still enjoy the drawings, but the whole idea won't make much sense (I truly hope it does make sense if you read it in the proper order).

Monday, August 27, 2012

46. One Year Anniversary.

Because of my travel, I missed the exact date, but yes, it was last August when I started this blog. So I decided to choose several best (read: my favorite) drawings from previous pages for the anniversary post. With only one exception: the first one is totally new, drawn a week ago, and it already made it to my "Hall of Fame." Victor said that he just drew what he saw in his dream.


The rest is just a brief retrospective, but not of Victor's work, rather of my blog.

"Constellation of the Cow"
"Созвездие Коровы"
"Memories of Us"
"Воспоминание о Нас"
"Waves of My Memory"
"По Волне Моей Памяти"


Sunday, August 5, 2012

45. Challenge - 9.

With unavoidable interruptions, especially during summer time, our "Game" has been continuing for almost two years. For this post I selected several of Victor's drawings that responded to pretty serious "assignments." It doesn't necessarily mean that his responses were also serious.

The idea for the first theme is pretty straightforward, but translating it in English is not. Russian word "Ожидание" can be translated as either "expecting" or "expectation," but both of these words have certain specific connotations that don't exactly fit the intended meaning. Another word, "waiting," is actually closer by its content, but it sounds too prosaic. The intended meaning of the word is not as much about the process of waiting, but more about the state, even closer to "hope" or "anticipation." But the drawings (Victor sent me two, I guess he was afraid to look too serious after the first one) are self-explanatory even without the exact title.

The theme for the next drawing, although seems related, came up on a totally different occasion. Here is another simple word that is not easy to translate with the exact tone: "Опоздание." Should I say "Lateness" (this is the first one that comes to a teacher's mind)? "Coming Late"? None of them sounds right. Google Translate gave me "Delay" - even worse. To make things harder, I'd have to translate the whole poem. My Russian-speaking readers probably know a wonderful author of children's poetry, Renata Muha. Victor has illustrated some of her poems, and this is one of them. Unfortunately I couldn't find English translations of her works, so my non-Russian readers will have to read everything from the illustration.

Finally, one drawing that responds to a serious theme is actually serious (well, more or less...). But it is still somewhat difficult to translate accurately. My "assignment" was: "Глаза в Глаза," which literally means "Eyes to Eyes." We talked about limitations of long-distance communication, when you just listen to a person but don't look in his/her eyes. The most surprising thing for me, as often, was that this drawing was made a long time ago, as though Victor had already thought about every tiny aspect of human emotions and relationships.

"Eyes to Eyes"
"Глаза в Глаза" 

To be continued... I am tired of all these translations...