Welcome to my blog!

If this is the first time you are viewing it, I strongly recommend to start from "About Us," and then go to the very beginning (August 2011, Post 1). Otherwise, you may still enjoy the drawings, but the whole idea won't make much sense (I truly hope it does make sense if you read it in the proper order).

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

58. Monsters!

Looking through Victor's drawings and thinking about the  topic for my next post, I noticed a disproportional amount of monsters. Actually, disproportional to what? To the real world? This doesn't really make sense. But at the same time most of his monsters are much nicer than many of us, humans. When I shared my observations with Victor, he said that he also has plenty of evil monsters, he just didn't send them to me.

So I will start this cycle with a few of his benign monsters, and by the time I get through all of them, maybe he will send me some scary ones.

The first one is my favorite. Probably because these guys are so monstrous, their affection seems especially touching.

"A Date"

To be continued!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

57. Shards of Legends

This post somehow continues the previous one. Who knows, what that chronicler was writing in his ancient book... Actually, I recalled one more "chronicler" who wouldn't find a more meaningful placement than on this page:


"Эпистолярный Жанр"
Anyway, back to what they might have been writing. In one of his relatively old drawings, Victor created a new old alphabet. Well, it may not be the whole alphabet, in fact, it may not be an alphabet at all. These symbols are probably too rich to be just letters, although they may be some hieroglyphs. The reason I am thinking in this direction is that Victor entitled it "The Message." But I doubt we should start deciphering it. Any code-breakers out there?


Finally, my favorite in this series. The following two drawings Victor sent to me a long time ago, and then forgot about it and sent them again last week. And I am very glad he did. First time, they didn't impress me that much, but this time they, especially the first one, caught my attention. Was something in the air this time? I have no idea.

As an artist (Victor, for sure) cannot explain why he draws this or that, an art observer (I, at least) cannot explain why he/she likes it. Probably, people who are used to analyzing works of art would find words for this, but I just feel something very special, deep, mysterious when looking at it, especially in combination with the title, "Shards of Legends."

"Shards of Legends"
"Обломки Легенд"